Solar Coating
Solar roof coating is the most cost-effective treatment for waterproofing and protecting roofs and walls from heat. It is a white-colored chemical that can easily applied to the ceiling and walls with the help of a brush by placing it in the water tank. The water can be prevented from getting hot even in the heat of June and July. Being durable, it does not wash off even in heavy rains and lasts for about 3 to 5 years. One bucket is enough for double coat coverage of about 500 to 600 square feet.
Solar roof coating can also be applied to an iron shed roof, greatly reducing the amount of heat coming from the roof.

This Technology is invented by Professor Munawar Ahmad Malik, CEO of SOBER Technologies Islamabad. SOBER Technologies International company is basically promoting and producing new technologies, innovations and inventions developed by prof. Munawar Ahmad Malik, a renowned scientist of Pakistan and inventor of more than 50 inventions.
The products related to solar energy, energy conservation and construction field, will be discussed in this platform.
Some Products of SOBER Technologies Int. Islamabad. Pakistan
Solar Chips | Thandi Chips
Solar Roof Coating | Solar Coating
MAT Munawar Air Conditioning Tile | Solar Tile
Other information related to our products is available on our Facebook page, YouTube Channel and Website.